Wednesday, January 21, 2009

quote for the day

"the difference between a novice and an expert is CONSISTENCY"

Monday, January 12, 2009

all is one

As i try to understand the root of 'all is one' i am afraid i would watch life go by in front of me when i am supposed to be in it. When my teacher said "that is the price you pay to be different, to have grown" i said but that is not supposed to work against you, it is supposed to be your quality, working for you. So here i am, trying, still waiting to reach the beginner's luck stage so i can grow more. I may be watching and connecting elements but am practicing it, using it in my life and believe me, it's so close yet so far. But its the journey not the destination, so with as much ying and yang as possible, i am living life.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"control or release"

Emotions; to control or to release? Control your anger, release your happiness? How is it that we define this? I know of some that believes in not saying much of the planned in fear of it not materializing while some in saying the planned to as a mean of giving commitment to oneself. Tell me what you think? :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

quote for the day

"give others what you want".
What you think of this?

Friday, January 2, 2009


“Thinking of the days you laugh makes you cry, thinking of the days you cried makes you laugh; think of a dream, a dream you need to achieve makes you cry, the uncertainty makes the tears, the tears faith holds back, the faith that keeps you going, the faith on the universe, the mother that you can trust will guide you to the dream, your destiny.”

What do you think destiny is?

Happy New Year

New vision, new goal, new perspective; all that we try when days like this comes around. We feel motivated, so motivated that we believe we can change; change the way we look or do things, even if we have ben doing it for years, and no surprise, we actually can. The drive this day brings with it is so strong that anything is possible, everything looks possible. these days are like ignition, it ignites the engine inside us, but the feul, the feul that is necessary for us to keep going is Consistency. "the only difference between a novice and an expert is consistency"